Tuesday, 24 May 2011

The Shopping List @ Fringe Arts Bath

I've been installing a sound piece today for The Collective exhibition at the old Officer's Club building in the centre of Bath.

'The Shopping List' is a sound installation - my found shopping lists read aloud and repeated as a script. It's going to be in a dark changing room at the back of the shop, which is quite exciting!

There are going to be several Fringe Festival exhibitions in the building, spread over four floors. Amazing.

The opening is this Friday from 6pm - SEE YOU THERE!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Website, nails and rubber bands.

New website finally up and running properly!!


And with pictures of my most recent work 'Strum'. It's an interactive piece, made of 276 nails and 1518 rubber bands.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Shopping Lists


Found this site today, it's right up my street. Everyone should join in and share their found shopping lists!

I've just made a sound piece with my shopping lists which will be exhibited in May at 'The Collective' Exhibition as part of Bath Fringe Festival (more details to come!)