Saturday, 18 June 2011

Un-stringing Strum

The removal of the rubber bands. Sad but somehow amazing - had to document it!

Friday, 17 June 2011

New Work - May

Here are the pieces I have up for my degree show. There are four pieces in total!

Re-strung vertically, with a simple vinyl instruction in the corner. Touch is encouraged. When the bands are 'strummed' they vibrate and blur.

AN ACCUMULATION OF STRAWS (91 rubber bands, 22750 drinking straws)
Each bundle is a standard pack of 250 straws. Similar to the elastic band piece, the straws have a really mad optical quality about them. They look soft from the side and have a honeycomb effect from above.

Originally part of the installation 'Around', I edited down the piece to a simple cluster of used screws.

My first foray into film. This is an uncomplicated film - a bit of fun I hope. Bendy straws jammed into a set of taps, with water running through continuously...

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Degree Show 2011

Degree show is ON! Opening night was a big success!
10am-5pm closing Wednesday. So busy, photos soon!!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Collective Pics

If you didn't make it to the Officers' Club, CLICK HERE to see some photos from The Collective exhibition, Fringe Arts Bath 2011. Unfortunately a sound piece in a dark room isn't the most easily documented in photos! But the rest of the stuff is cool so check it out!