Tuesday, 23 October 2012

A sad day for straws

I'm moving house next weekend and I have no space for hoarding. They've been in boxes for 11months since the Tactile Bosch show. I was feeling ruthless - on Sunday, my 22000 drinking straws had to go.

So we drove to the recycling centre in St. Philips and I asked one of the attendants where I could recycle them. He told me to leave them with him and he'd take them to 'plastics'. Two or three minutes later, I returned to dump some more rubbish in 'household waste' and there were my straws, unceremoniously tipped out in the skip. He didn't even recycle the cardboard boxes. I actually got a little unexpectedly choked up and lay awake thinking about my trusty straws for hours that night, wishing I'd kept just one bundle for good measure. 

I'm finally over it now. Here they are, headed for drinking straw Heaven. Thank you straws, it was good while it lasted.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

GREY AREA - FaB 2012

It's been a long time since I last posted... Since 'Strange Things Happen' in November, I've felt unable to make new work. But a few months have passed now and I'm finding myself busier and busier with all sorts of art-based activities (even if it's not directly making at the moment)...

Right now, it's full steam ahead to organise an exhibition, which I am co-curating with Megan Hoyle. It's going to be called Grey Area and is showing as part of the Fringe Arts Bath Festival (FaB) 25th May - 10th June 2012.
We are working with some fantastic artists based in Bristol, Bath, Cardiff, Bournemouth, Glasgow, Sussex and Hampshire - a right mixed bag! We are going to be presenting installation, film, sound and performance in some crazy awkward little rooms in an old Pet Shop. An exciting challenge; wish us luck!
